Monday, August 27, 2007

The Fall of An Icon

Well the end of an era and a career is here.

Michael Vick (aka Ron Mexico) has plead guilty to conspiracy to engage in dog fighting. This after months of denying and parsing out the truth about his involvement in the criminal activity. Amazing that he actually thought that he would get away with it all, but of course his “friends” ratted him out big time and he had no choice except to try and plead himself to limit the damage.

So much for “honor between thieves”.

His co-conspirators have all issued statements to the court stating that Vick was involved in all aspects of the business (Bad Newz Kennels), including the execution of non-performing dogs, financing the operations, providing money to make and cover bets, setting up the fights and transporting the dogs across state lines to participate in dog fights.

He gave the usual press conference after the hearing and in a memorized prepared statement (denied of course by his attorneys) offered contrition and apologies. For someone who claimed not to be a public speaker, he did deliver a very well polished and measured speech. In fact he never sounded as polished even when he was in commercials and had do-overs to get it right. So his new speech coach who prepped him on this message (I am sure they practiced all weekend to get the head motions right) earned his or her money. I was almost moved by the performance.

Naturally he apologized to his teammates, the owner and coach of the Falcons, as well as the Commissioner of the NFL (Roger Godell). Also as in these cases he said he “found Jesus” (amazing how many people “find Jesus” after they commit brutal and heinous crimes. In fact the prison population in the USA is full of so-called “Born Again Christians). He also mentioned that he thought Dog Fighting was wrong (so why did he do it if he thought it was wrong?) and he was sorry for “everything he did”. Amazing none of this occurred to him before he was caught. It is easy to look contrite and sincere after the fact and right after being in court (kind of like it's easy to sound sick immediately after waking up in the morning, so if you are calling in sick to work, do it before that first cup of coffee/tea and shower).

Everything he did? Does this include everything or just a few things mentioned in the indictment? Was he sorry for the practical jokes he played in elementary school as well? It is noticed that he would not mention specifically what “everything” meant or contained. Of course he said this after mentioning “finding Jesus”, so does that mean he is sorry for doing that as well?

It will remain to see if he truly is repentant or if he was really saying that he was sorry he was caught.

For some reason he feels he will only be out of football for a year (as mentioned in his speech). Does he really think that people are as stupid as he is or just wishful thinking? First of all his sentencing isn't until December 10th, and his jail term and/or other punishment starts then. Does he feel that he will skip out on jail time and that the NFL will just open its arms and accept him back as a convicted felon as if nothing happened?

Sure people point to Ray and Jamal Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens (no relation) who also had problems with the law, but that was under a different Commissioner. Ray was involved in a scuffle at a bar during a Super Bowl weekend in Atlanta, where someone was shot and killed. The gunmen were part of Ray's “Posse” and they sped away in his SUV. Ray himself was never the suspected shooter, nor involved directly with the scuffle. All he was convicted of was obstruction of justice by withholding names and evidence from the police. However never was he mentioned as a suspect. He pled guilty and paid his fines and that was that. So his only real crime was not ratting out his old friends. However he did clean up his act and dismantled his “Posse” and has been a model citizen ever since.

Jamal was convicted of conspiracy to traffic cocaine. He was found guilty and served 6 months in prison. Again involved with an “Old friend” from his past. Once out he went back to football, but was never the same. The Ravens dumped him over the off season, and he is now “sentenced” to play for the Cleveland Browns (only true football fans will get that joke, so if you don't understand find a football fan to explain it to you).

Neither of these can be compared to Vick, as they were one off occurrences. Vick has been running his dog fighting ring for 7 years now. In fact he was planning it from out of College and organized the whole scheme.

He has only himself to blame ad these racist jerks and jerkettes who defend him and blame the government for his poor judgment and character are not doing him any favors. In fact his whole career has been one of poor judgment on and off the field (see previous posting). His character is not one of quality, and he has been lying all this time, so why are to believe his performance now? His words mean nothing and he has no basis for expecting anyone to believe him now. He has shown himself to b of low character and he sought those of the same ilk (birds of a feather?).

However people can change if they really want to and work hard at it daily.

It was reported that Part of the plea agreement was that he is now going to work with the federal government in cleaning up the dog fights. It was reported that he is going to give names and places etc so they can crack down on this heinous brutal activity. In fact they have already arrested a famous Rap Star and there is speculation that Vick gave them his name. It will be interesting to see what else is to come of this. There are a lot of people a bit worried right about now. And one wonders what they are thinking about Vick and if they are willing to gamble that they won't be named next.

Michael Vick he football player is done, however there is plenty of time for Michael Vick the person to change and become a productive member of society after he serves his time. We are a nation of second (and third and fourth and....chances) so it is up to him to change. This is the challenge and tribulation that really is ahead of him.

Right now he just needs to fade away and do the right things to get his life back on track. That will tell his true character as a man. Michael are prayers are with you, good luck and God speed on your rehabilitation.


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