Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why New Year's Resolutions Never Hold

Ah the end of another wonderful year and everyone is getting ready to party hardy and ring in the New Year with festive cheer. We also seem to take time to reflect on our lives and make silly resolutions (lose weight, make more money, be more loving, eat more pizza, etc.) that we are bound to never keep.

I am amazed how we go about and celebrate useless anniversaries like this. Let's face it time is a vague concept, and measuring time solely artificial. So why do we do this? Well because human beings are anal and need to measure things. How else will we know how we have wasted our lives away, frittering away time by celebrating useless milestones unless we had a way to measure them?

Besides, as it turns out, we have changed the way we measure time so many times in our span of existence before settling on the one the world accepts now (set forth by Western Europe Standards) that no one really knows the exact age of anything, and all the scientists do is make guesses so as to keep funding going for another artificial period of time. Great work if you can get it.

As it turns out, that is a great phrase isn't it. I mean if you use the phrase “As it turns out”, it makes one sound profound and intelligent as if they know what they are talking about without actually being an expert on the subject. It gives one the illusion of doing research without all that mucking about in libraries or reading trade journals or the like. But I regress.

But anyways the topic of the day (didn't think I'd get around to it did you), is about New Year's resolutions and why it is basically impossible to keep them. As it turns out (that lovely phrase again) we are basically hard wired not to keep them. Why? Because the way the brain stores information. As it turns out, the brain stores information similar to holographic images. But, in order to retrieve that information one has to be in the same mental state as when the information was stored.

When we make our resolutions we are usually in the midst of a celebration and in a certain stage where alcohol in undetermined quantities, is working on our brain. So in order to remember these resolutions one has to be in the same state of inebriation (or dehydration after the fact) to remember these.

For example when one is out partying too hard they never seem to remember the embarrassing things they say or do. They of course seem to be the only ones, and they wonder why everyone is all upset at them. That is until they reach an equal mental state of inebriation later.

So we never remember these until the next New Year's Eve when we start celebrating and reflecting on our lives again.

So I say hang it all and just live your life as the best person possible, give your all in everything you do and you will be fine.

Of course there is one resolution you should all make before you start your celebrating:

Visit on a regular basis to check out the new and exciting things going on here in 2009. Also come back weekly to for educatinal and useful marketing tips, tricks and techniques.

Happy New Year to all. May your new year be safe, peaceful, happy and prosperous.



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Monday, December 29, 2008

Keep Your Profits Rolling In The New Year

Keep Your Profits Rolling In The New Year

Ah a new year is upon us. The time of year we pause and reflect upon our lives over the past 12 months. We remember and glow in the good times, shudder at the bad times and ponder on what we missed and make plans to change our lives for the better. We also tend to take this time to inventory our business for the past year and make new goals to keep profits rolling in and our business growing. Here's 10 ideas to help the profits roll in during the new year.

1. Give people a free online utility. When you offer a utility that can solve a person's problem, people
will definitely visit your web site.

2. Offer a free affiliate/reseller program. When you offer people a free opportunity to make money they
will line up to visit your web site.

3. Supply news stories related to your site. People want current news on the topics they are interested
in. You could also include new "how to" articles.

4. Offer your visitors a free community. People like to have a place were they can have discussions with others on a particular subject.

5. Make people feel safe when they order. Explain to them you won't sell their e-mail address and all
their personal information will be kept confidential.

6. Offer free samples or trials of your product. This will let people experience your product and attract
people to your web site.

7. Make your ad copy attractive. Your ad should lists benefits before the features. Include guarantees
and testimonials in your ad.

8. Remind people to come back and visit your site. They usually don't purchase the first time. The more
times they visit, the greater the chance they'll buy.

9. Let people know anything about your business history. They'll feel more comfortable if they know
who they are buying from.

10. Give people as many ordering options. Accept credit cards, checks, money orders, and other forms
of electronic payments.

Use these and see your profits rolling in the new year. Here's hoping that the new year finds peace, health, happiness and prosperity for all. Come back next week for more great Marketing and Sales tips.

Happy New Year!



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Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site Offline

10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site Offline

You have your site, you participate in forums, email marketing, banner advertising, etc. But is there more you can do to promote your web site? Sure there is, the “Offline World” is a great place to start. There are a lot of potential clients who don't participate in these forums etc, so how can you get them to realize your site is there? Well here's 10 ideas.

1. Have a bumper sticker printed up with your web site address and other business information. Place it on the bumper of your car. People will see it when you're driving.

2. Have some t-shirts made with your web site address and other business information. Your family or friends could wear them almost anywhere.

3. Have some ball caps made with your web site address and other business information. Wear them to keep the sun out of your eyes and promote your business at the same time.

4. Have some business cards printed up with your web site address and other business information. Pass them out to people you meet or that might be interested in your business.

5. Have a magnetic sign made with your web site address and other business information. Place it on your car door or roof when you are traveling.

6. Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and other business information. Keep a few with you to hang on bulletin boards you see.

7. Have some jackets printed with your web site address and other business information. Give them away to family and friends. When it's too cold for t-shirts, you can wear jackets.

8. Have some duffel bags made with your web site address and other business information. Give them to family and friends as gifts or use them when you travel.

9. Have some pens imprinted with your web site address and other business information. When you are done filling out your check or signing receipts leave it there for the next person to use or keep.

10. Have some mugs imprinted with your web site address and other business information. Use them when you have company or give them away to friends and family as gifts.

Think how many times you have picked up or seen one of these articles and went to the web site to see what they are all about. Yes they work. Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in your marketing efforts.



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Monday, December 08, 2008

How To Cure The BCS Mess

How To Cure The BCS Mess

Here we are again at the end of the College Football season and all the talking heads are mad at how the champion is selected. I propose a plan to cure this mess.

The Rener Plan offers up a 16 teams playoff system that takes into consideration all the arguments for and against the present system, to include preserving the tradition of Bowl Games.

The current system is called the “BCS” (Bowl Championship Series) and it uses two human opinion polls and runs data through 5 computers to determine rankings. At the end of the year the top 2 teams meet in a special bowl game called the “BCS Championship Game”. The system was put into place in 1998. Before this system went into place the national Champion was determined by just the 2 opinion polls. One poll was made up of sports writers from around the country, the other of the coaches of all the Division 1 (as it was called then) schools. Whoever was number one in either or both polls (yes there have been times there were split results) was declared the National Champion.

Of course there was lots of gnashing of teeth and wailing and accusations of cheating and favor granting, so the college presidents got together to develop the BCS. As it stands right now there are 6 conferences that participate, with occasional “at large” bid going to any school outside of these conferences (there are 11 conferences in the division 1A, or the FBS as it is called now), that goes undefeated in their regular season. But only if there aren't 10 teams to fill out the 5 BCS bowls (Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, BCS Championship Game, with each bowl rotating to host the Championship game).

The opponents of the BCS system want an expanded playoff system like they have in the other Divisions (Division 1AA, II, III, etc.). They all claim they want an 8-10 team playoff. The problem is that no one ever states how these seedings are to be made. If we go to just the human polls, then we're back to the old broken system of favor granting and biases. If we use the current BCS system to determine the seedings, then why not just keep this system as it gives us the top 2 and they play anyway, so why waste time and money.

The opponents to the playoff systems claim the players will be away from school for finals week, and that the bowl structure will be hurt and a lot of lesser schools will be denied playing in bowl games (for which the schools and conferences gets money from the sponsors for showing up). They also love the arguing and debates over the ambiguity the present system creates.

So what is the solution? Well I have one that will please everyone.

I call it “The Rener Plan”.

First of all we keep the current system for ranking teams, as this will become important later. Since there are 2 human polls we get input from those emotional intangibles that can't be measured by numbers. We also have the benefit of the non-emotional computer rankings based upon the raw numbers, yards, wins, opponent records, strength of schedule, etc.

Next we cut out 1 or 2 meaningless early games and limit the teams to 10-11 games instead of the 12-13 they play now. This will end the season, including Conference Championship games to the weekend before Thanksgiving.

We set up a 16 team playoff, using BCS rankings. Included in this is all 11 of the champions from the FBS conferences, and 5 “At-Large” teams.

The first round would take place the weekend of Thanksgiving (or the week after if you wish), using 8 of the present “Minor Bowl Games” as the sites of these opening round games (the sites can be rotated on a yearly basis). The second round would be played at 4 more of these “Minor Bowl Games” (again rotated yearly). This will bring about the final 4 teams at the same time the current bowl bids go out. The remaining bowls can then choose from the remaining teams as they wish and play their games in the normal rotation between December 20th – January 2nd.

The final 4 teams will play the “Semi Finals” on January 1st using 2 of the current BCS bowls as the sites (rotating on a yearly basis as the current championship game does now), and the Final Championship Game will be played January 8th (as it now stands).

What this does is to placate those who love the bowl system, worry about academics/injuries and want a playoff. It also allows all the schools to participate.

Sure the first few years the “smaller” conferences might not give a good showing, but t does allow for a “Cinderella” team to manifest (who doesn't cheer for the Cinderella during March Madness). But since these teams are now in the running, the weekly games on ESPN will be more enticing to the casual viewers as they will want to watch for a Cinderella to show up. This means more money from advertisers as ratings increase for these non-Saturday games. Talent would start to even out as players will be more willing to go to these non-traditional schools as now they will know they will be on TV and a chance to showcase themselves in a possible National Championship Game. They will get better and the games will even themselves out over time.

Oh yea for those who love the ambiguity and arguing that goes along with College Football, well there's always the 6th team that should have gotten an “At-Large Bid” to concern themselves with (ala March Madness arguments about snubs).

I feel this is a fair and equitable way to choose teams for a playoff system. It leaves no one out and there is something for everyone.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks, techniques and rants.



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Monday, December 01, 2008

10 High Powered Traffic Tricks

10 High Powered Traffic Tricks

You need traffic in order to create sales and profits. That is the main key to online business success. However what does one do to increase traffic during down times? Well there are a few high powered tricks one can use to increase their web traffic. Remember that these can be used alone or in any combination. Also that they will only work if you do the work.

SO without further ado, here are the tricks:

1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc.

2. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people read each issue they'll be reminded to revisit your web site. They'll see your product ad more than just once which will increase your orders.

3. Form an online community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community they will regularly return to communicate with others.

4. Write articles and submit them to e-zines, web sites and magazines that accept article submissions. Include your business information and web address at the end of the article.

5. Give away an electronic freebie with your ad on it. Allow your visitors to also give the freebie away. This'll increase your ad exposure and attract people to your web site at the same time.

6. Combine your products or services into one big package deal with other businesses offerings. You could share a web site and advertise the package deal; which means double the traffic.

7. Submit your freebie to the online directories that list your particular item or service for free. If you're offering a free e-zine, submit it to all the free e-zine directories on the internet.

8. Participate on message boards. Post answers to other people's questions, ask questions and post appropriate information. Include your signature file at the end of all your postings.

9. Exchange classified or sponsor ads with other free e-zine publishers. If there is a huge subscriber difference between e-zines, one can run more ads to make up for it.

10. Post your ad on free advertising areas on the internet. You can post it on free classified ad sites,free for all links sites, newsgroups that allow ads,free yellow page directories, etc.

Using these tactics will help increase the flow of traffic to your site and you will see the sales start building over time. Remember to be patient as there is no such thing as a “miracle cure-all”. Check out the archives and come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques.



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Monday, November 24, 2008

Propel Your Online Sales With These Tactics

Propel Your Online Sales With These Tactics

Ah yes the holiday season is all but upon us, yet we still have the need to mind our businesses. Of course we are always looking for ways to propel our sales, and increase our profits. If you are not making all the profits you feel you deserve (and who doesn't think that way?) well here are 10 tactics you can use to help propel your sales (and profits).

1. Add extra subjects to your web site. Most free ad sites only allow you to submit your web site to one category. This'll allow you to submit it to many.

2. Increase the perceived value of your product by making your offer scarce. You could use limited time bonuses, low prices, low quantities, etc.

3. Find out your competitions' weakness and use it as your "Unique Selling Proposition". It's the reason why people buy your products and not theirs.

4. Sell your products or services to a specific niche market. For example, instead of selling your fishing book to all fisherman, target it toward fly fisherman.

5. Test your advertising and marketing. You'll save time, money and big headaches promoting the right offer to the right group of people.

6. Persuade visitors to buy your product by telling them the future. Tell them what'll happen with their life in the future if they buy or don't buy.

7. Offer a free trial of your product for a set period of time. Don't charge or bill them until they decided to buy it. This'll take away any risk they have.

8. Create other web sites that draw your initial target audience. Then you can lead your prospects to your main web site by linking to your other web sites.

9. Inform people about your site or freebie through e-mail announce lists. You can find them by typing "e-mail announce lists" in any search engine.

10. Tell your visitors what they can avoid by buying your product or service will motivate them to buy. They may want to avoid pain, fear, danger, etc.

I hope you've enjoyed these tips and are looking to use one, two or all ten of them on your site. We're all in this together and we can pull through these tough times. Come back next week for more tips, tricks and strategies for your business's growth.



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Monday, November 17, 2008

Marketing Strategies For Rough Times

Marketing Strategies For Rough Times

In these tough times, Marketing becomes more important than ever. Getting the attention of your prospective clients becomes even more difficult, but not impossible. Here's 6 more strategies that you can use and add to your Marketing arsenal.

1. Utilize Your Knowledge

Do you have extensive knowledge in a particular subject? Offer people free consulting or advice on that subject via e-mail if in exchange they either link to your web site, run your promotional ad in their e-zine or place your banner ad on their web site for a set period of time.

2. Become A Publisher

Publish e-zines for other people for free. In return for your work in designing, updating and gathering content you request that your promotional ad be placed at the top of each issue. Their duties will be to promote and send out each issue to their subscribers.

3. Persuade Them To Sign

A great way to get e-mail addresses and testimonials for your online business is to ask people to sign your guest book. The problem is a lot of people won't take the extra time to sign your guest book. An effective way to persuade them to sign your guest book is to give them something free in return.

4. Create An E-mag

Publish your e-zine in ebook format. You could offer more articles per issue. You could add graphics with the articles just like in print magazines. Your advertising revenue would increase because you could charge businesses for full page color ads.

5. Tell Them What's Next

Get your visitors excited about revisiting your web site. Tell them about upcoming articles, prize drawings, free stuff, etc. If they know what's in store for them, they will revisit. Tell then to sign up for an e-mail reminder or tell them to bookmark your web site.

6. Share Your Information

Create a web book that's related to your web site topic. Give people the option of linking to the web book so they give it away to their visitors. Put your ad on top of the title page to get free advertising. This strategy will easily multiply your advertising exposure.

Again these and other tips and strategies are only as good if they are used. It is up to you to use any and all these tips. Come back weekly for more tips. We're all in this together, and I'm pulling for you.



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Monday, November 10, 2008

Positioning and Marketing The Presidency

First of all, Congrats to President-Elect Obama who was the winner in a brilliantly marketed campaign. May we all live ong and prosper as a nation, and a world.

Another election has come and gone and it is interesting to see how the various parties and press helped “market” the candidates. Yes marketing of the candidates has always been the most important factor in all elections from the beginning of our great country. But I guess the most important question of this election was:

Just how much did Joe Biden spend on clothes?

A lot of people say that Marketing and Positioning is a late 20th century phenomenon. But think back to past elections, what do these phrases mean to you:

Honest Abe
Old Hickory
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
A Chicken in Every Pot
I Like Ike

Exactly they were marketing/positioning statements about candidates, and yes they do go back into the 19th century as well. They may not have called it that, but let's face it a rose by any other name would probably harder to spell (or something like that). These of course are some of the more famous ones. They show that even before mass media took over and just inundated us gazillions of ads through radio, TV, billboard and internet messages, the parties and candidates were marketing and positioning themselves.

In short nothing has changed, except the technology we use. But then if the media would admit that, they would have a zillion hours of empty air, instead of empty talk from empty heads. Just think what they would have to do, maybe focus on real issues and differences instead of marketing messages? Oh no that would require thought and research and intelligence.

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, FOX could not have that , and newspapers wouldn't be able to sling their mud. They wouldn't be able to frame editorials about negative campaigning with negative ads that keep them profitable. I mean if the different media really wanted to cut down on negative campaigning, why do they keep accepting the ads? Money of course, and it brings in viewers/listeners/readers.

Why do the candidates do it? Well most issues are too complicated to get across in 30-60 seconds, so they need to focus on small differences. When the issues and stands are so clouded that he candidates basically agree, well point out the other's mistakes. It is easy and it tends to get more “free air” from the complaining talking heads on TV etc. Every station reports about the ineffectiveness of negative ads, but when people are interviewed on the street, they seem to repeat the negative information about the candidates they are against. So guess what, it does work and it obviously resonates with viewers.

Let's face it the media pounded it down our throats that Sarah Palin received $150,000 worth of clothes from the RNC (hence the question at the beginning of the article). Plus we heard all about her views on everything from religion to what she thinks of her ex-brother-in-law. But why didn't we hear anything about Joe Biden's religious views? Why not his views on family or sports or anything? It has to do with the marketing done by the Democratic Party who made this a contest between Palin and Obama, and the left leaning media bit and ran with it (anyone who denies this is a liar and a scoundrel and a hypocrite, or just a brain dead moron.). Let's face it the average viewer had a hard time finding anything about what any of the candidates really felt about how to fix the problems this country is facing ( of course they all are against economic breakdown, and high energy prices), because the media was marketing Palin's views, and positioning them as “wacky, and bizarre”, and marketing Obama as “Change” (news flash, anyone of the candidates were agents of change as none of them totally agreed with Bush).

So remember the issues don't matter, all that matters is how you position and market yourself (or your candidate) to the potential viewers, and oh yea negative advertising does work.



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Monday, November 03, 2008

Killer Profit Boosters

Slow times are here, but tough businesses find ways to profit even in bad times. The thing is to work smarter and find ways to boost profits. It's not easy, it dies require hard work, but it is definitely doable. Need ideas to get you started? Well here's 10 things you could do.

1. Gain an advantage over your competition. You should find one benefit your competition doesn't
offer and use it as your main selling point.

2. Design your e-zine so it creates multiple free advertising streams. Ask readers to forward it to
people they know, offer ad trades, etc.

3. Allow your visitors to subscribe to an update e-zine. Anytime you make changes to your web
site they can receive an informative e-mail.

4. Focus your articles on information the targeted readers and e-zine publishers want. They will get
published more often, which means free publicity.

5. Use problems to attract online traffic. Find a common online problem and use your web site
to solve it. People will visit and see your ads.

6. Have an informative FAQ page at your web site. Anticipate questions your prospects or visitors
may have; this will help improve your sales ratio.

7. Improve your negotiation skills. This'll improve your business because you're always negotiating ad
swaps, supply prices, joint ventures, wages, etc.

8. Beat your competition by giving away a similar product or service that they charge for. It could
be add on products, warranties, servicing, etc.

9. Build a larger online community by giving your visitors bonuses for participating on your message
boards or chat rooms. Try free products, ads, etc.

10. Instead of starting an affiliate program, start a referral program. Give people discounts and free
products for referring people to your site.

Yes we all are looking for ways to boost profits, especially in these down times. So put these ideas to good use and see your profits climb.



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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Automate Your Marketing Efforts

Are you spending too much time with your marketing? Marketing can be a time consuming endeavor. The solution is to automate as much as possible. Working smarter, not harder is the key to successful time management, and who can't use more time?. In this article I will share with you 14 key tools no marketer needs to be without.

Keyword Buzz -This keyword research tool offers the easiest and fastest way to compile a HUGE database of keywords for all of your internet marketing efforts. You can also analyze the amount of competition in any niche market and also uncover hidden and profitable markets within just a few minutes.

Link Buzz - This link popularity checker tool allows you to check for the no. of backlinks you have on six major search engines and databases and also the no. of pages you have indexed on the Google, Yahoo and MSN for any website you enter. You can also use it to spy on your competition without them knowing!

Cloaker Buzz - This affiliate link cloaker is not another cheap and crappy cloaking software that you can find everywhere! It allows you to cloak your links in the stealthiest manner you can think of. You can boost your click through rate by at least 200%! So, skyrocket your affiliate commissions and elevate you to the super affiliates status today!

Forum Buzz - This forum posting software offers the easiest and fastest way to customize forum posts and messages and helps you to organize them easily. You can keep a list of forums that are related to your niche as well as save your forum login details. All these will free up a HUGE chunk of your time and enable you to be recognized as an expert in your field in the quickest time possible!

Project Buzz - This project management software offers the easiest and fastest way to monitor and keep track of the amount of tasks/projects you have on hand. You can list down all your projects/tasks that you need to complete and never have to worry about missing your deadlines. (it's like digital secretary!)

Blog Buzz - This blog finder software offers the easiest and fastest way to locate related blogs in any niche you choose which does not have the 'nofollow' attribute. This will help you to compile a list of blogs you can leave comments on and build a ton of backlinks instantly!

Equi Buzz - This duplicated content checker offers the easiest and fastest way scan for duplicated content between two articles. This will help you to easily identify the percentage of duplicated content found and reveal to you exactly which are the areas which are duplicated! Furthermore, you get to scan for the keyword density of each and every single article, helping you greatly in your SEO efforts.

Optin Buzz - This magic optin form creator offers the easiest and fastest way to increase your opt ins magically by at least 200%. This will help to deliver your opt in gift or message instantly to your subscribers without them having to go to another page or check their email.

Squeeze Buzz - Squeeze Buzz offers the easiest and fastest way to create high converting squeeze pages on instant demand. You can create unlimited amount of squeeze pages customized according to your marketing needs with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can choose to use our templates and customize it to be your own by adding in images or even videos.

Directory Buzz - Submitting to free directories is one of the easiest way to have one way free inbound links to our sites. This directory submission software contains a list of over 200 directories which you can submit your sites to and offers you the easiest and fastest way to instantly build a ton of valuable one-way backlinks to your sites and boost your search engine rankings tremendously!

Affiliate Buzz - This affiliate promo page generator is a simple desktop application that will guide you through the process of creating professional promo tools page step-by-step. By providing your affiliates with ready-to-use affiliate promotion tools with their affiliate links already embedded, you can instantly increase your base of affiliates promoting your products. That will certainly drive your sales up the rooftop!

Coupon Buzz - This coupon code generator is a simple desktop application that will guide you through the process of creating professional coupon codes step-by-step. By providing your subscribers/customers with a discount using the coupon codes you provide them with to be used on your sales page, you can instantly increase your customer loyalty and also help entice new visitors to purchase.

Copy Buzz - This sales copy generator is a simple desktop application that will guide you through the process of creating professional sales pages step-by-step. By utilizing Copy Buzz to help you with crank out your sales letters, it's like having a copywriter on standby 24-hours every single day. That will certainly save you a ton of time and effort!

Info Buzz - Info Buzz will guide you through the process of creating professional info boxes step-by-step! By utilizing Info Buzz to help you with crank out your info boxes, you'll be able to provide a ton of quality information to your web visitors and enhance their surfing experience on your sites. That will certainly make them want to come back over and over again

If you want to work smarter, not harder order below.



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Monday, October 20, 2008

More Free Traffic Techniques That Work

In this down economic times we are all looking for ways to save money and cut corners where possible, without adversely effecting our business. Here's 15 techniques that you can use that will make you money at no cost to you.

1. Submit your site to the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN) and to as many other search engines as you can.

2. Write 1-2 articles each week and submit them to the free article directories. Be sure to include a link to your site after each article in your bio box. The articles should be optimized for a keyword your site is targeting.

3. Submit those same articles to email newsletter publishers in your niche.

4. Find blogs related to your topic and leave useful comments with a backlink to your site. Here's a great free tool you can use to find the best targeted blogs where you can leave your backlinks.

5. Answer questions related to your site’s topic at Be sure to put a link to your site in each of your answers.

6. Join a handful of the most popular forums that deal with your site's topic and become an active poster. Include a link to your site in your signature.

7. Write a press release about your site and submit it to press release sites such as If you are not familiar with press releases, take some time to do a little research: a press release is not written like an article.

8. If you are happy with a product or service you have used, write an unbiased testimonial and trade it for a backlink to your site.

9. Start a blog on and a blog on, link them to your site and submit them to the hundreds of free blog directories. This will get you plenty of quality traffic as long as you keep your blogs updated.

10. Post ads with a link to your site on all the free classified ad sites you can find (such as The best ones will allow you to post a live link. But don’t neglect the other ones. If your ad is well written, people will go out of their way and type your url in their browser. Off course you must post in the appropriate category.

11. Write an interesting email signature that includes a link to your site, and use it with every outgoing business email you send.

12. Start a page on and on any other high page rank social bookmarking site you can find and link them to your site.

13. Submit a viral video to You don’t really need any video producing know-how as a simple PowerPoint slideshow with some background music will do the job.

14. Search your main keywords on Google and see if you can exchange reciprocal links with related websites that come up in the top results.

15. Write an ebook or a short report (say 10 to 20 pages), or find a product with giveaway rights that you can brand with a link to your site. Then submit it to all the free ebook directories you can find online.

While all this looks like a full time job, remember, you don’t have to use them all at once. Just pick the one you feel the best with and act now. Invest 30 minutes to an hour daily in building your free traffic.

Remember that these only work if you do the work. Check back next week for more tips and techniques, and check out for great resources that will help you with your marketing efforts.



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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Marketing With Safelists - Yea Right

Marketing With Safelists - Yea Right

The latest craze in Internet Marketing is to go with “Safelists”. Safelists are basically just web sites where people go and sign up in order to email their offerings to others who have agreed to accept them.
The biggest problem with most of these lists is that majority of the offers are exactly the same. Most of the offers border on Ponzi schemes and one wonders who goes along with these that make it profitable to keep them going?

With that said there are benefits and pitfalls to using these lists, and this article explores the good and bad of using these in your marketing efforts.

A good safelist is probably one of the best ways for you to advertise your program or product. Should you pay to join a safelist? What is the difference between free and paid safelists? In a nutshell, the difference is QUALITY. Free Safelists usually have a lower response rate for many reasons. Free lists attract freebie seekers. If people don't pay to join, they usually don't keep up with their email and they get bounced from the list because of full mailboxes.

That means a lot of worthless addresses!

Paid lists have members who are more serious and are more open to your offer. email addresses are usually deliverable. Also, a paid list will let you mail daily versus a free list where you can only mail once per week. So are free lists a waste of time? Absolutely not! The name of the game is NUMBERS and getting your message out to as many people as possible. The best FREE safelists offer both a paid and a free member option. That way you can try them out for free and pay later if you like them.
There are literally thousands of lists that meet these criteria. You can find some very good ones by typing the word 'safelists' into your search engine.

One word of caution! The lists you can buy on CD with millions of email addresses will most likely result in your spamming the recipient! The source of their emails is dubious and many of the addresses are old and no longer valid. Do not waste your money or risk being accused of SPAM. It is not worth it.

Let's talk about another aspect to safelists and that is they can be a double-edged sword! The good side is that you can send an ad to as many members as belong to the list, but the down side is that the entire list can also send ads to you! You can get literally thousands of emails per day. You will need to clean out your mailbox frequently or you will start "bouncing" messages, which is a big NO-NO! Bouncing simply means your mailbox was too full, so the message went right back to where it started - to the list owner.

Lie #1: You can make sales directly from safelist ads!

THE TRUTH: Most of your sales will not be made directly from sending out safelist ads. You need a system to capture your visitors email address such as autoresponders or a signup form on your website.
Then you need to follow up with your subscribers, providing them USEFUL information over a period of time.

Lie #2): You don't need Safelist submitters to submit your ads.

THE TRUTH: True, you don't need submitters to post your ads.

Lie #3: Only join free safelists! You don't need to pay for safelists when there are thousands of free safelists!
THE TRUTH: Free safelists are not as responsive as paid list. Paid safelists have more benefits. In addition, paid list members often read their mail instead of deleting it.

Lie #4): You can easily get people to sign up for your safelist offer.

THE TRUTH: You need to offer something for free and valuable to encourage more
people to join your lists. It can be a free eCourse, eBook, report, software etc...

Lie #5: Safelist ads are very responsive.

THE TRUTH: Safelists ads are not very responsive unless you are sending to hundreds or even thousands of safelists. You need to get your ad in front of as many people as possible to be successful with safelists.

Lie #6: Thousands of safelist members will read your safelist ad.
THE TRUTH: Safelist members get thousands of emails a day. No one can possibly
read email from 100,000 other people! As a result, many safelist users simply delete
alot of the ads. However, you can get your safelist mail read if you use the right safelist strategies.
Start with having a "killer" subject. Then the ad itself must be convincing enough to
cause the reader to want to click to your site.

Lie #7: AOL, Hotmail or any other free email accounts are adequate to handle you
safelist mail.

THE TRUTH: The Number One Reason Safelist Users Give Up is due to inadequate email boxes to handle all the tons of email you will receive.

Lie #8: Safelists are a waste of time and money.

THE TRUTH: Safelists can be very valuable if used correctly. Most people use
safelists the wrong way. There is alot of mis-information about safelists.
Safelists are not useless if used PROPERLY. One mistake most people make is
trying to sell directly with safelist ads. This is a mistake!
Safelists should be used to capture the email addresses of potential customers and
to build your opt-in list. Then you can send periodic, value-added mailings to your Opt-in list. This is where you will make you sales.



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Monday, October 06, 2008

Perpetual Marketing – Unleash The Power

I describe perpetual marketing as a large number of people promoting one web site so they can all receive the traffic generated by each other. Sort of like Utopia where they took in each other's laundry, except better as no one has to get wet.

For example, you decide to create a free ebook that you will give away to your web site visitors. You ask a large number of e-zine owners to give away the ebook in exchange for their ad in the ebook. You can just ask them to link directly to your web site when they promote the ebook. You, of course, will have one of your own ads on that web page.

Let's say you get 8 out of 20 e-zine owners that agree to giveaway the ebook. The 8 e-zines total subscriber base is 75,000.

Now, you can ask more e-zine owners if they would like to promote the ebook in exchange for an ad inside the ebook. This time you can say, you already have 8 e-zines already promoting the ebook with a subscriber base of 75,000.

The next group of e-zine owners you ask will be more tempted to promote your ebook because there is a greater chance they will receive a lot of traffic from the deal. It's win/win situation!

Do you understand the power of perpetual marketing? You could have 20 or 30 e-zines promoting your web site at no-cost, very quickly! You could create a new, free ebook every month and repeat the process.

This isn't the only way to use perpetual marketing. You don't just have to contact e-zine publishers you
could do the same with web site owners. You could use a total monthly visitor total as motivation.

It doesn't have to be just an ebook either. It could be a contest you're holding on your web site. You could place the other web site's ads on the contest page in exchange for them promoting the contest.

These are only a few ways to use perpetual marketing. You could use your own imagination to create new ways to use perpetual marketing that will increase your traffic and sales.

Check back next week for another free marketing tip from, publisher of the Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Series of books.



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Monday, September 29, 2008

Creating Sales And Maintaining Profits In A Slowpoke Economy

You gotta love business cycles. When there are good times everyone rejoices and the easy money flows. However, like bad times, they never last. Of course the losers start blaming the government or big business, but in fact it is just part of the life cycle of business. However there are steps you can take to help ease the slow down in your business's profits. Here are a few tips:

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust
and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After they decide to buy one product,
offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that aren't competition. You will
reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses. You can expand your product line and target other
profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising
and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save revenue. You could trade e-zine ads, banners ads,
links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save on employee costs, equipment costs, taxation costs,
expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a high perceived value. It could be ebooks, members
only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on the internet. Give away free stuff with your ad copy
include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can use a free e-zine, a follow-up autoresponder, an update
or reminder list, etc.

Remember business like life is a do-it -yourself project. If you take positive action and keep trying you will survive.



Discover your web site's true potential.

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“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”

Or Go to Amazon and order the whole set of Inquisitive Explorer Marketing Books.


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Monday, September 22, 2008

Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

Ah it's a profit motive, now I see how this web thing is supposed to work for business. If that statement is a revelation to you, well you've come to the right place. Here are some easy way sto help you sky-rocket your profits and increase your business.

1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit
or use a strong close like a free bonus.

2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your
traffic, sales and e-zine subscribers.

3. Create multiple streams of income with your web site. You could sell your own products, join affiliate programs, sell advertising space, etc.

4. Give your visitors compliments in your ad copy. This can earn their trust and put them in a good
mood, in return they will be easier to sell too.

5. Create new products or services only if there is a strong need for them. You won't have anyone to
sell them to if you don't have a market.

6. Sell your backend products to your customers right after they order. Take them to a "Thank You"
web page that includes other products you sell.

7. Sell a few products on your web site instead of selling a large amount of products. To many choices
can overwhelm your visitors and they won't buy.

8. Include content and free stuff on your web site that promote the products you're selling. If they
don't read your ads, they may read your offerings.

9. Remind your visitors that you're human not just a web site. You could publish information on your
family life, a picture of yourself , a profile, etc.

10. Provide a "Contact Page" on your web site. Give your visitors as many options to contact you
as possible. This'll add credibility to your business.

Again these are just a few of the tips you will find in “The Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Quick Guide” available at and on (see links below). Get your copy, heck buy a dozen they make great gifts, today.



Discover your web site's true potential.

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For the next step:

“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”

Or Go to Amazon and order the whole set of Inquisitive Explorer Marketing Books.


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Monday, September 15, 2008

Increase Your Profits By Increasing Your Target Markets

Are your products or services geared towards only one target market? You can increase sales and profits by increasing your target markets. Below are some creative ways to increase your target markets by using your existing products and services you're selling right now.


You can increase your target markets by redesigning your products and services. For example: you're selling a book called "Internet Marketing Tips For Accountants" You could rewrite part of your book and call it "Internet Marketing Tips For Lawyers". You've now increased your target markets by redesigning your book.


You can increase your target markets by adding on other product or service with your main one. For example: if you're selling a football magazine you could add a free football when someone buys a subscription. You're now targeting people who want the football magazine and those that want to play football out in the yard. Sometimes they buy stuff just to get the freebies.


You can increase your target markets by doing a cross promotion with a similar non-competeing businesses. For example: your business sells tennis rackets and you find another business to cross promote with that sells tennis balls. You could combine your racket and their balls in one package. You are now targeting people that need tennis rackets and balls.

These are just a few ideas that can help cross-promote your products and increase the number of target markets and increase your exposure and customer base.



Discover your web site's true potential.

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“Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer”,

For the next step:

“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”

Or Go to Amazon and order the whole set of Inquisitive Explorer Marketing Books.


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Friday, September 05, 2008

How To Profit In An Uncertain Economy

Business cycles are a fact of life and no matter what we do to try and stop them, they keep coming back like a bad penny. However slow and uncertain economies do not have to be a death knell to your company. There are always opportunities in every type of economic environment. The trick is to "tough out" these tough times and work a bit smarter. Here are some tips that you can use to help:

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust
and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After they decide to buy one product,
offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that aren't competition. You will
reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses. You can expand your product line and target other
profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising
and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save revenue. You could trade e-zine ads, banners ads,
links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save on employee costs, equipment costs, taxation costs,
expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a high perceived value. It could be ebooks, members
only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on the internet. Give away free stuff with your ad copy
include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can use a free e-zine, a follow-up autoresponder, an update
or reminder list, etc.

Remember that tough times never last, but tough people do. So get out there and fight for your business. I'm pulling for you, because we're all in this together.



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“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”

Or Go to Amazon and order the whole set of Inquisitive Explorer Marketing Books.


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Monday, August 25, 2008

5 Lesser-Known Online Business Ideas

Still in need of massive traffic? Looking for ways to keep visitors coming back for repeat business? That for internet businesses of all kinds is the gold medal standard. It is getting harder and harder to stand out these days, so here's a few tricks that can help.

1. Ask people to find a hidden link in your ad copy. If they find the hidden link tell them they will get a prize or freebie by clicking on it. This will increase the chance that they will buy your product or service because they will read your whole ad copy.

2. Start a members only web site. Tell visitors what's in your members only site and what it costs to get access. Offer them a free membership, if, in exchange they link to your web site, post your banner on their home page or agree to advertise your web site in their e-zine for a set period of time. Usually
they will agree to the free advertising to save money. This is a powerful way to get free advertising.

3. Want a popular discussion board? This technique is based on the number of postings made by any one person. You could give away a free product or service to any person that posts ten or more messages on your discussion in a month. It could be a free e-book, report, e-mail consulting etc. Just keep track of everyone's postings each month. This could also work for e-mail discussion lists.

4. Give your visitors an instant article directory. Tell your visitors they can instantly add a free article directory to their web site by linking to yours. Just place your ad or banner ad on top of the article directory for your main product or service. All those links can add up to a large amount of traffic
for your web site.

5. There a millions of web sites on the internet. Instead of marketing your web site as a web site. Market it as a free web book. Design your web site with a title page, table of contents, chapters, etc. Just place your ad or banner for your product or service on the top of each web page.

These are just 5 of the many tips and techniques mentioned in "The Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Quickguide" (Available at and through in PDF, print and Kindle versions). Try them out and see your traffic and therefore your sales and profits soar.



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“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”

Or Go to Amazon and order the whole set of Inquisitive Explorer Marketing Books.


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Increase Your Sales With These Rarely Used Bonuses

People love getting something for nothing. Yes the idea of getting a bonus just stimulates a little button in all of us. It's as if we are getting an "Unbirthday Present", which of course are the best kind if Lewis Carrol is to be believed. So to tap into these feelings of your potential clients here are a few things you can do to increase your sales without losing money.

1. Announcement Alerts - Give customers e-mail alerts about critical information or product releases before your non customers find out about it..

2. Discounts - Allow your customers to get lower prices on your products and other related products other businesses sell.

3. Expert Call Ins - Set up a date and time when your customers can call up and talk directly with experts that are related to your industry.

4. Private Invitations - Give your customers private invitations to customer events that non customers cannot attend.

5. Online Rolodex - Compile a list of web sites or online contacts that are related to the product. You could publish it on CD-ROM or on the web.

6. Archived Information - Bundle together some older information that's no longer available. It could be e-zine back issues, articles, transcripts, etc.

7. Mentor Program - Give your customers unlimited consulting with their purchase. Allow them to contact you by e-mail, phone, fax, in person, etc.

8. Audio/Video E-zine - Give customers an upgraded version of your e-zine in online audio or video format. Non-paying customers could only get it in e-mail.

9. Freebie Announce Board - Offer your customers a message board were they can announce freebies they offer from their web site.

10. Barter Discussion List - Offer your customers the option of joining a barter email discussion list. They can barter goods and services with others.

Work these ideas into your marketing plan and watch your business grow. But remember, it won't work if you don't use it.



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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Attract More Orders, With These 10 Awesome Ways

Do you have enough orders through your web site? No one ever does and we can always use more. However the question is how do you generate more orders? First you have to have the traffic, and traffic is what leads to orders. Well here's 10 awesome ways that you can generate more traffic and hence orders:

1. Create a free ebook directory on a specific topic at your web site. People will visit your web site to read the free ebooks and may see your product ad.

2. Turn part of your web site into a members only web site. Instead of charging for access, use it as a free bonus for one of your products.

3. Add a free classified ad section to your web site. You could then trade banner ads with other web sites that have free classified ad sections.

4. Create two versions of your e-zine so people can choose if they want ads included with it or not. This'll attract the people who hate ads to subscribe.

5. Publish your e-zine only on your web site. Have people subscribe to a "new issue" e-mail reminder. This could really increase your traffic and sales.

6. Sell advertising space in your product package. You could sell inserts, flyers, brochures, booklets, and digital ads for electronic products.

7. Offer daily or weekly visitor bonuses. This will increase your repeat traffic and sales because your visitors will visit regularly to get the visitor bonuses.

8. Allow people to download software or e-books from your web site at no cost. Just ask your visitors in return if they'll refer their friends to your web site.

9. Build up the number of people that join your free affiliate program quickly by temporally offering your product for free to the people that sign up.

10. Negotiate with e-zine publishers to get free or discounted ads by letting them join your affiliate program and earn commissions on the ad you run.

Try these and watch your orders grow. Just remember to plan your work, then work your plan and success will happen.



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“Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer”,

For the next step:

“Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques”


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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Experience A Sales Breakthrough With These 10 Unique Marketing Ideas

We are all looking for ways to increase our web traffic and sales. If you have been a faithful reader and have been applying the tips you should see increases in your traffic. However one can never have too much traffic to their web site, so here are 10 more Breakthrough Ideas for your Web Marketing Campaign.

1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the
directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the
director's home page. This technique will get lots of people to link to your web site and give you
free advertising.

2. Do you have a product or service that doesn't sell good? Offer it as a free bonus for someone
else's product or service. Get free advertising by placing your web site or business ad on the
product or in the product package.

3. Trade autoresponder ads with other businesses. If both of you send out information with auto-
responders just exchange a small classified ad to put at the bottom or top of each other's
autoresponder message.

4. Start a free tip line. Offer a free daily, weekly, or monthly tip recorded on your voice mail. The
tips should be related to your business. Include your ad for your web site or business at the
beginning or end of your message.

5. Exchange content with other web sites and ezines. You could trade articles, top ten lists, etc.
Both parties could include a resource box at the end of the content.

6. Offer to insert ads into your product package for other businesses. Just ask, in return that they
do the same for your business. You should only trade insert ads with businesses that have the
same target audience.

7. Offer a free daily class in your web site's chat room. The class should be related to the subject
of your business or web site. This will get people to visit your web site everyday.

8. Do you have a product that doesn't sell good? Offer it as a free bonus for another businesses
product or service. You'll get free advertising by placing your web site or business ad on the free

9. Place different emotional response ads for the same product or service all over your web site.
One ad may hit their hot button to buy more than another ad.

10. Publish your ezine in e-book format. You could offer a larger number of articles per issue.
It also allows you to include graphics with your ezine. Your advertising revenue would increase
because you could charge businesses for large color ads.

Again in order for these to work, you must put them into action. After all a plan with out action isn't worth the paper it's written on. Come back next week for more tricks and tips.



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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Need To Get FREE Advertising? Try These 5 Interesting Techniques

Need To Get FREE Advertising? Try These 5 Interesting Techniques

Ah yes the cost of advertising can be a killer to Home-based and Small businesses. However there are many ways to cut down the costs to almost $0. Let's face it every dollar counts in this tight economy (or in a good economy as well). So here are some techniques that won't cost you and extra penny.

1. Give Testimonials
When you purchase a product or service and it exceeds your expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Tell them in the testimonial the benefits you got from the product or service. Give them permission to publish the testimonial on the web site if they include your sig file at the end.

2. Leave A Message
When you visit a web site with a discussion board leave a message. You could post a question, interesting content or a compliment about their web site. Include your signature file at the end of the message. Some discussion boards let you post your banner ad or text link.

3. Sign Guest Books
When you visit a well designed web site leave a compliment on their guest book. You could give them a compliment on their content, ease of navigation, graphics etc. When you post your compliment include your sig file so other people will see it when they sign the guest book.

4. Write A Review
When you visit a web site you enjoyed a lot write a review for the web site Write about the benefits you gain from the site, the web site design, interesting online services it offers etc. E-mail the review to the web site. Tell them they can publish it on their web site if they include your resource box at the end.

5. Send An E-mail To The Editor
When you read a good article or enjoy a certain ezine, e-mail a compliment to the editor. Give the editor permission to publish the compliment in their ezine if they include your signature file at the end. The editor may post it on his or her web site.

Obviously as with all advertising it takes time to build up the recognition factor, but if you keep on plugging away and mixing in these techniques your traffic will increase and you will be on your way to success. Just don't give up or quit too early.


Discover your web site's true potential.
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Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer,
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Inquisitive Explorer's Advanced Marketing Techniques


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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

12 High Readership Content Ideas

Traffic, that is what it is all about. But readers want content in order to visit your site, so what should you do to bring them there? Well here are 12 tips that are easy and fun to implement, but can have lasting and wonderful consequences.

1. How To Articles: they include detailed step by step instructions. Examples: how to publish your ezine, how to promote your business, how to attract visitors to your web site.

2. Tips: they are usually small pieces of information about the size of a paragraph. Examples: tips on using a product, tips on doing your taxes.

3. Top Lists: they are a group of tips listed in order, usually numbered from first to last. Examples: top 7 ways to get to the top of search engines, top 10 ways to market your product.

4. News Articles: they can include news about your industry or company information. Examples: joint
ventures, new product releases, special events, overseas activity

5. Interview Articles: they could include interviews from customers, employees and experts. Examples: interview an employee that won an award, an expert related to your industry, a satisfied customer, people profiles.

6. Publications: they include information that's bundled together to take with the person. Examples: ebooks, reports, software, auto responder information.

7. Business History Articles: they include information about your business. Examples: years in business, goals your business has accomplished, community affairs, financial information.

8. Product Articles: they include information about your product or services. Examples: new products,
improvements to existing products, new accessories.

9. Visual Content: they include visual helpers that help explains, shows or supports an example. Examples: charts, photos, graphics, graphs.

10. Entertaining Content: they include humorous and off beat information. Examples: contests; quizzes,
trivia, puzzles, games, cartoons.

11. Excerpts: they include information used from other resources for different purposes, but can also support your business. Examples: journal articles, transcripts of seminars, reprints, speeches, press releases.

12. Technology Content: they are new technologies you can use to present your content. Examples: audio clips, streaming video, MP3 files.

Use one or more of these tips and watch your traffic, and your sales grow.



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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Wonder Why People Won't Visit Your Web Site? Here's 10 Possible Reasons

Traffic, traffic traffic is the mantra of the new age. We all want it. We all need it. We have a great site, wonderful products, we built it but why won't they come? There are many reasons and possibilities, here are 10 possible reasons ( with hints of how to reverse the trend).

1. You don't offer free original content. It's important to give your visitors information they can't find anywhere else. If you're the only source for a certain type of information, people will flock to your web site.

2. You don't offer free software. Most people like to find good deals on software for their computers. If
the software is free, that is even better.

3. You don't offer a free contest or sweepstakes. It's a fact, people like to win things. If you can fulfill that need, people will stop by to visit.

4. You don't offer a free directory. Create a directory of web sites on a particular topic that is related to your target audience. People will visit because they will find what they're looking for, all in one place.

5. You don't offer a free ezine. Most people love to get free information that they're interested in emailed to them on a regular basis. This saves them time and money.

6. You don't offer a free community. People like to have a place were they can have discussions with
others on a particular subject. You could add a chat room or message board to your web site.

7. You don't offer a free affiliate program. One of people's basic needs to survive is money. When you
offer them a free opportunity to make money they'll line up to visit your web site.

8. You don't offer a free online utility. When you offer a utility that can solve a problem, people will visit your web site. The utility could be a free autoresponder, e-mail account, search engine submission, etc.

9. You don't offer free current information. Supply news stories related to your web site. People want
up-to-date news on the topics they are interested in. They will also be interested in visiting your web site.

10. You don't offer free samples of your product or service. Have you ever been to a store and you
jumped at the chance to get a free sample of food? This same concept will also attract people to visit
your web site.

These are just an example of what you can do to help drive traffic to your site. Try these out, and be sure to check out more resources at


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Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer,
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Are you Thinking About Joining Someone Else's "Pay Per Sale" Affiliate Program?

Here's 16 Questions You need to Ask Yourself Before Deciding

Affiliate programs are a great way to break into an Internet based info-product business. It allows you to test and build your marketing and sales skill without having a product of your own. Generally you could find these throughout the net, with being the biggest location for finding affliate programs. Are you thinking about joining an Affiliate Program? Then here are a few questions you need to ask yourself as you make your decision which one to join.

1. Does the affiliate program offer you a free way to join without buying the product or service?

2. Contact other affiliates already in the program to see if they have had any problems.

3. Is the product or service related to your target audience?

4. Can they notify you by e-mail when a sale is made?

5. Do they offer backend products so you can get repeat sales from the same person?

6. How often will you receive a commission check?

7. Do you get credited for a sale if people come back in month and then make a purchase.

8. Can you get around-the-clock help online or offline?

9. Do you get a large percentage of each sale as commission?

10. Do they provide you with proven sales material? (links, banners, classified ads, sales letters etc)

11. Will they give you the leeway to create promotional ads?

12. Do they offer you access to an online sales stats page?

13. Do they use a reputable system to track your sales?

14. Does the affiliate program pay commission for sales of people who sign up under you?

15. Can they offer customers a lot of different ordering options, so in return you won't lose sales?

16. Will they keep in contact with you on a regular basis by e-mail?

Any good and reliable affiliate program owner/manager will be happy to answer these and show you how to use them effectively, as they know they don't make money unless you do. So do your research, find a program or two that you love, then go forth and multiply.


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Inquisitive Explorer's Internet Marketing Primer,
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Ingenious Ways To Persuade Your Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address

We have all heard the mantra that "The Money's In he List". So all you have to do is go to your collection of email addresses and email your list with your announcements and watch your business grow. Ah but what can you do if you don't have a list? How can you build one? Well here are some ingenious ways to help you build your list and your business.

1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It's a good idea to also give them a freebie when they

2. Have them sign-up to get access to download a free ebook. The subject of the ebook should
be related to your target audience.

3. Give your visitors a free membership inside your member's only web site. Have them sign-up
to receive a user name and password.

4. Hold a free contest or sweepstakes at your web site. Ask them to give you their contact
information to enter.

5. Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail. Have them fill out a web form to e-mail you with
their questions.

6. Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask your visitors to e-mail you their vote or opinion.

7. Ask your visitors to sign-up for a chance to get a web site award. Have them e-mail you their
contact and web site information.

8. Have visitors fill out a survey on your web site. Give them a free gift as an incentive to complete
the form.

9. Offer a free online service from your web site. Have visitors fill out their contact information to
sign-up to the free service.

10. Ask visitors to sign your guest book. Tell them they will get a free gift in return.

11. Offer a free affiliate program for your visitors. They will have to sign-up in order to receive
marketing materials and commissions.

12. Allow visitors to submit a free classified ad on your web site. Require them to give a valid
e-mail address in order to post an ad.

13. Give people who visit your web site a free course sent via autoresponder. Just ask them to
fill out their contact information to receive the free course.

14. Offer your visitors free software to download. Have them sign-up to get an access code to unlock
the software.

I hope these tips have been helpful, come back next week for more tips. Just remember keep working it and it will happen.


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