Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Your Business Is Failing? Here's Possible Reasons Why

Excuses, everyone has them and they especially run fast and furious during down times. Yes it is easy to point fingers all around, but what really needs to happen is deep introspection into the real reasons. Yes it is hard, and the answers might not be pleasant, but finding solutions works better than worrying about problems. Here are some ideas that might help you resurrect your business:

1. You don't offer free original content.

2. You don't use a signature file on your e-mails.

3. You don't offer free software.

4. You don't have your own domain name.

5. You don't offer a free contest or sweepstakes.

6. You don't test and improve your ad copy.

7. You don't offer a free web site directory.

8. You don't give people any urgency to buy now.

9. You don't offer a free e-zine.

10. You don't attract the target audience that would
buy your product or service.

11. You don't offer a free community.

12 You don't let people read your ad before they get
your freebie.

13. You don't offer a free affiliate program.

14. You don't make your web site look professional.

15. You don't offer a free online service.

16. You don't give people as many ordering options
as possible.

17. You don't offer free current information.

18. You don't let people know anything about your

19. You don't offer free samples of your product
or service.

20. You don't make people feel safe and secure
when they order.

Now there might be other reasons (offering machines that run only MS-DOS, or obsolete services) but for an online business these pretty much sum up the problem. So go ahead and put a few in place and see what happens.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks, and techniques to assist in your marketing efforts. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.


Inquisitive Explorer's Library Mega Pack!



All 4 volumes of my Inquisitive Explorer marketing ebooks together as one mega library.

Together these volumes offer tips, tricks and techniques to assist your marketing efforts. They range for the easiest and most basic to the latest ideas.

No business or entrepreneur should be without them.

Fast easy resources to help you with your marketing and have some fun to boot!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Twittering Your Life Away

Okay okay we all get it, “Twitter” is the greatest thing since, since,.. well since the last greatest thing since... If I see one more blog post about how to use “twitter” and other social media I will scream. Most of these posts are just repurposed and recycled garbage. They offer no insight nor do they say anything new. Stop already and show some creativity.

The main trouble with Twitter is that in order to do anything productive one needs followers. To get followers, one needs to follow. This can lead to a bunch of flotsam and jetsam floating your way. There are those that actually will send dozens of “tweets” your way, and by the way to everyone else, that your tweets tend to get lost in the fog. Yes this is a problem and a big one as there is no real way to get your message across without sending the messages every minute or so. That is of course considered bad practice, so you will lose followers and then of course you will need to find more, and son and so forth until you just rip out your hair and scream.

The only people who are making money off twitter are thse that got in early and sold a bunch of ebooks on using titter. Yes the posts come in so fast and furious that one cannot keep up with it unless you are n it 24/7/365. If your customers or potential clients aren't on 24/7/365, well your message has a snowball's chance in July to make it through to them.

If you don't know anything about Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, etc, then where have you been hiding? Social sites are the next big thing, or was last year. You see once the main media starts talking about something being new and exciting, one knows it has been around for at least a couple of years and is old hat, and probably on it's way out of fashion. Yes there is way too much coverage overload. Anyone remember MySpace? Last year this was supposed to be the “wave of the future”, and anyone who is anyone was supposed to be on it and active. Does anyone really use it anymore besides college students, old ladies and porn sites? I didn't think so either.

The thing is these so called “Social Sites” are nothing more than Chat Rooms and BBS' with better graphical ability. There is nothing new about them, or their concepts. It is just the ability to store pictures and videos that separate them from their ancestors. In fact the BBS' and chat rooms evolved from old networking meetings in the days before the Internet (Yes Virginia there was a time, long ago called the 1980's before the Internet was available to all). So the old rules of civility and dealing with other people apply. Whatever worked in 17th Century France, works still today.

I know it is boring to say that these sites are just upgrades and updates, I mean one has to sell the service right? One has to sell newscasts before they become the next newspapers, anachronisms in the modern age. Yes newspapers are on their way out, and television newscasts are to be the buggy whips of the 21st century. So they need to try to stay “hip” and “cool” (yes I actually heard those terms on a newscast the other day by some dork who was trying to prove she was “with it”.) by showing they are into “today's technology”. The problem is that it is yesterday's news. Why is this so? Because in order for them to talk about it, it has to be safe.

But I regress...

Yes Social sites are good if you just respect their uses and give as much as you want to receive. For marketers one does need to use them, and they are great places to make contacts, but beware of all the flotsam and jetsam that one has to wade through before finding the gold.

Social sites and Web 2.0, use them but don't count on them to be a magic bullet. Hard work, persistence, and good service/products will win the day.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and tips to assist you in your marketing efforts. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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Monday, March 16, 2009

Attract New Customers With These Traffic Tips

Traffic is key to making it online. Of course getting traffic is not the easiest thing in the world to get. Here are some techniques that you can use to produce more traffic to your site.

1. Give Away An Electronic Information Product

The product could be a simple report posted on your Web site or autoresponder to a downloadable e-book. The information product should relate to your target audience. Just place your advertisement somewhere on the product. Allow other people to give away the information product to attract even more customers.

2. Offer Free Consulting Via E-mail

Allow potential customers to ask you specific questions relating to the subject of your business. Giving away free advice can show your prospects your expertise and give you instant credibility. Another benefit is when you e-mail them back the free advice or information include your signature file to get free advertising.

3. Hold A Free Chat Room Seminar

People go to seminars to learn about a particular subject. With chat rooms you don't need to fear public speaking or spend money to rent out a seminar room. You can use your own chat room or hold the seminar in someone else's. Holding a chat room seminar is an incredible way to get free publicity. Just send a press release to the media announcing your free seminar.

4. Start A Free-To-Join Club

Having people join your club is a creative way to attract new customers. People want to belong to something, why not your online club. The club should be related to your product or service. You could give away a free e-mail newsletter for club members only . Have a members only message board, e-mail discussion group or chat room. Post your advertisements on all the club information.

5. Provide Your Product Or Service For Almost Free

Tell potential customers you'll accept barter deals for your products or services. You may not be getting money but they will become your customers. If they are satisfied they might pay money the next time they make a purchase. Barter for things to improve your business or your own personal life.

Put these tips to good use and see your traffic increase. Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist your marketing efforts.

Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Your Web Site Text Impacts Buying Decisions

Everyone is big these days on getting the flashiest graphics, fancy videos and other visually pleasing and attention grabbing gizmos. However there is one old standby that subconsciously effects your customer's buying decisions when it comes to your web site. The appearance of your text.

The appearance of your web site text can actually increase or decrease your sales. The size, font, style
and color of your text can easily affect your reader's buying decision. Below are ten points to consider
when typing text on your web site.

1. Easy To Read- You want to make it easy for your visitors to read your text. You don't want to use a light colored text like yellow on a white background and you don't want to use dark blue text on a black background.

2. Create A Mood- You want to use the color of your text to create a mood for the reader. If you want
to create excitement, use some red text. If you want to create greed, use a some green text. Use colors that would put you in a mood to buy your product.

3. Grab Their Attention- You can grab your readers attention by using headlines. Make the headline more noticeable by using a different colored headline than your ad copy. This offsets the headline and pulls the reader into the rest of your ad copy.

4. Highlight Keywords- You can emphasize phrases and keywords that are important to your readers. For instance, use super, deluxe, fast, low price, free, new, etc. You could use bolding, underlining, italics, color changing, etc.

5. Sizing It Up- You don't want to use text that is too small or to large. You want to use larger text for your headlines and subheadings. You want to use smaller text for your ad copy. If your grandparents can't read it, it's too small.

6. Don't Use All CAPS!- You don't want to use all capital letters in your ad copy. It looks unprofessional and is hard to read. You may want to use all CAPS in your headlines to offset it.

7. Font Properly- You want to use a text font that relates to the product or services your selling. You
don't want to use a comic type font when your selling business books.

8. Spacing Out- It's important to use spaces properly when typing your text. You should indent and bullet key benefits your product or service will give the reader. Your headlines, subheadings, sentences and paragraphs should be consistently spaced throughout your web site.

9. I Need Sunglasses- Don't use all bright text colors and backgrounds on your web site. It will make your text hard to read and actually bother your readers' eyes to the point they just decide to leave your site.

10. Check The Readability- It's important to check your spelling and grammar before you upload your
web page. When writing an ad copy you're allowed to break some of those grammar rules to get your point across.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks, and techniques to assist you with your marketing efforts. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.


Inquisitive Explorer's Library Mega Pack!

All 4 volumes of my Inquisitive Explorer marketing ebooks together as one mega library.

Together these volumes offer tips, tricks and techniques to assist your marketing efforts.
They range for the easiest and most basic to the latest ideas. No business or entrepreneur
should be without them.




Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Secrets Of Forum Marketing Exposed

Forums are just the Web 2.0 versions of the old Chat Rooms from the BBS days. You will find them on all social Networking sites (such as Facebook, Linked In etc.) and some Wordpress blogs. These can be a boom or a bust depending upon on you use them and how you act in them. If you are careful and polite they can be a goldmine in marketing your business. If not they can leave people with a bad taste for you and your services.

Forum Marketing is the use of online forums to promote your product or service. forums are usually broken into categories. Find the right forum where your targeted audience would gather. Create a forum profile with your ad, business info, or signature file in it. Announce to everyone in the forum something interesting or free that's offered on your web site. This will draw visitors to your web site. Always be aware of forum rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered SPAM.

Send electronic messages to target people in the forum that would be interested in your products or services. Start a conversation with them. After a few moments indirectly bring your sales pitch into the conversation. This is a great way to do one-on-one selling electronically. Do not directly SPAM them with your messages.

Marketing With Your Web Site's Forum

Just having a forum on your Web site can create an online community and bring visitors to your Web site. Host a free online seminar in your forum about a subject of your expertise. Use a forum to meet with current customers if they have any questions or problems. Regularly schedule free events in your forum. Schedule experts to speak in your forum.

Host other people's forums as an expert. Charge for doing this to earn extra money or just do it for free to gain publicity. Make sure your spelling and grammar is correct when chatting, so people understand what you are typing.

Use some forum emotions and acronyms to help people understand you're typing.

Use " :D " to show your laughing

Use " :) " to show you are smiling

Use " BTW " which means "by the way"

Use " FAQ " which means "frequently asked questions"

Use " IMHO " which means "in my humble opinion"

Use " LOL " which means "laughing out loud"

Use " TU " which means "thank you"

Marketing your products or services in forums is a more personal way to gain new customers. Prospects are actually communicating with you instead of reading your ad. You may even make a few friends along the way.
Remember to know the rules before you post and advertise. Following the rules and being helpful will go a long way to building your reputation and your business.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist in your marketing efforts. Remember that we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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