Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Creating A Popular Online Community To Increase Sales

An online community could be a chat room, e-mail discussion list, discussion forum or other technologies that allow groups of people to communicate at your web site. When you have a popular online community it will increase your traffic and sales. Below are ten ways to attract people to participate in your online community.

1. Tell your visitors that you post a new, free offer every day, week or month in your online community. The free offers should be attractive to your target audience.

2. Regularly schedule experts or famous guests to participate in your online community. You could design it to be a virtual class or a question/answer session.

3. Post testimonials on your web site from people that have participated in your online community. The testimonials could be about what people have learned or liked while participating in it.

4. Don't allow blatant ads in your online communities. If people decide to visit your online community and see a ton of ads they most likely won't be back.

5. Post all the benefits of participating in your online community on your web site. You could write it like you're writing an ad for a product you're selling.

6. Submit your chat room, e-mail discussion list or discussion board to online community directories. You can find them by typing " the community type" with the word "directory" in any search engine.

7. Create an e-zine just for people who participate in your online community. Allow them to subscribe for free. When they receive each issue, it will remind them to come back and participate in your community.

8. You (the owner of the online community) should participate regularly. Post information that will benefit the other people. This will show them you care about your online community members.

9. Have plenty of people to monitor your online community. They could remove postings that turn away people like profanity, spam and other off-subject postings.

10. Your online community should contain user friendly features, like a search option for archived discussions, easy posting or chatting options, email updates or digests, etc.

Setting up a community gives your users a sense of belonging and make them feel like your site is theirs. If they feel comfortable in your community they will gladly but your products.



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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Traffic By Submitting Articles To E-zines - 10 Benefits

Another great way to build up traffic is to write articles and distribute them through ezines. You can easily find ezines by going to your favorite search engine and search on "ezines directories". You will get a list of ezines and from there you could email the publisher and offer your wares. Here's 10 benefits you will receive by do this.

1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition.

3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure.

4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher archives their e-zine on their site. People might want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe.

5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don't publish your articles.

6. You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your income.

7. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your articles in their free e-books. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet.

8. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article.

9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your
product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits.

10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in an e-zine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your e-zine if, in exchange, they run yours in their e-zine. It's a win/win situation.

With the plethora of ezines, they are always looking for content. SO write your articles, submit them for publication, repeat and enjoy the benefits. Of course as with all the other tips you read here, they won't work if you don't.



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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Can't Do it Yourself? Here's 10 Reasons To Consider Outsourcing.

Outsourcing is when you hire outside professionals or services to take on part of your business workload. You may want to outsource part of your work because you don't have the room, you need an expert, you have periodic busy periods, or you need more production to get orders out on time, etc. The following are ten ways outsourcing can save your business time and money.

1. You won't have to take the time to train employees. This will allow you to spend more time working on your marketing and advertising campaign.

2. You won't have to do time consuming tasks like adding on new equipment or learning new software to complete certain tasks. This will allow you to spend more time testing your advertisements.

3. You won't have to interview employee candidates. This will allow you to spend more time improving your customer service, in return you will get more repeat purchases.

4. You won't have to fill out all the employee paper work like tax forms, scheduling, retirement plans, etc. This will allow you to spend more time developing new products.

5. You won't have to buy extra office or work space to complete certain tasks. You can use all the money you save on other business expenses.

6. You won't have spend money on employee costs like taxes, medical, vacation time, holidays, workers comp., unemployment costs, etc. (These may vary depending on which country you do business in.)

7. You can speed up you order and delivery system with the extra help. Your customers will appreciate the fast service and you'll have a higher chance that they will buy from you again.

8. You could expand your market share by becoming a middleman and offering your subcontractors products or services. This will increase your business profits and give you multiple income streams.

9. You can take on extra or large orders your business couldn't handle before. This will expand your market share and you could also offer to take the work your competition can't handle.

10. You could get end up receiving orders from your subcontractors. Your subcontractors may also tell other people about your business.

As with anything you need to be careful when choosing outsourcing partners. When you do find one, treat them right and they will treat you right.



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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Have A Product That Doesn't Sell? Here's 10 Resourceful Things You Can Try

We all have them. Products that are good, innovative, sexy, and just won't sell. Who knows why, maybe too much competition, or maybe it is just a bit ahead of its time. Whatever the reason there is something you can try to recover your costs and make money off even the turkiest turkey.

Here are 10 things you can try:

1. Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to the product. You could make money selling other people the rights to reproduce and sell the product. People are always looking for new products to sell.

2. Giveaway the product for free from your web site. Just because it won't sell doesn't mean people won't visit your web site to get it for free. They may see another product you sell and buy that one.

3. Try auctioning off the product at an online auction. You may make part of your investment back. If you're lucky, you may even make a profit because people sometimes get into bidding wars and will bid a higher price than the product is worth.

4. Use the product as a free bonus for another product you sell. This will increase the perceived value of the product you're selling. People will feel they're receiving more for less.

5. Contact businesses with the same target market and see if they would be interested in using your product as a free bonus for their product. You could place your ad on the product and get free advertising.

6. Sell your product to businesses at wholesale cost as a promotional product. Businesses are always looking for products they can giveaway to their customers with their advertising on the product. You could make part of your investment back.

7. Barter your product to other businesses for things you need for your own business. You could trade for their products or services. This will save you money and help make up for your profit loss.

8. You could create an online contest so people could win your product. This will attract traffic to your web site. You also could get free advertising by listing it on online contest directories.

9. If you decide to giveaway the product for free, allow other people to giveaway the product for free. Place your web site ad on the product. This will spread your advertising and attract even more people to your site.

10. Ask businesses with the same target audience if they would be interested in combining your product with their product. You could then sell them together as a package deal and split the profits. You may have better results selling your product this way.

It is always better to recover some of the costs than to lose everything, besides it might just be bad timing, and maybe 6 months down the line your product will be the hottest thing? One can never tell.



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