Monday, March 23, 2009

Twittering Your Life Away

Okay okay we all get it, “Twitter” is the greatest thing since, since,.. well since the last greatest thing since... If I see one more blog post about how to use “twitter” and other social media I will scream. Most of these posts are just repurposed and recycled garbage. They offer no insight nor do they say anything new. Stop already and show some creativity.

The main trouble with Twitter is that in order to do anything productive one needs followers. To get followers, one needs to follow. This can lead to a bunch of flotsam and jetsam floating your way. There are those that actually will send dozens of “tweets” your way, and by the way to everyone else, that your tweets tend to get lost in the fog. Yes this is a problem and a big one as there is no real way to get your message across without sending the messages every minute or so. That is of course considered bad practice, so you will lose followers and then of course you will need to find more, and son and so forth until you just rip out your hair and scream.

The only people who are making money off twitter are thse that got in early and sold a bunch of ebooks on using titter. Yes the posts come in so fast and furious that one cannot keep up with it unless you are n it 24/7/365. If your customers or potential clients aren't on 24/7/365, well your message has a snowball's chance in July to make it through to them.

If you don't know anything about Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, etc, then where have you been hiding? Social sites are the next big thing, or was last year. You see once the main media starts talking about something being new and exciting, one knows it has been around for at least a couple of years and is old hat, and probably on it's way out of fashion. Yes there is way too much coverage overload. Anyone remember MySpace? Last year this was supposed to be the “wave of the future”, and anyone who is anyone was supposed to be on it and active. Does anyone really use it anymore besides college students, old ladies and porn sites? I didn't think so either.

The thing is these so called “Social Sites” are nothing more than Chat Rooms and BBS' with better graphical ability. There is nothing new about them, or their concepts. It is just the ability to store pictures and videos that separate them from their ancestors. In fact the BBS' and chat rooms evolved from old networking meetings in the days before the Internet (Yes Virginia there was a time, long ago called the 1980's before the Internet was available to all). So the old rules of civility and dealing with other people apply. Whatever worked in 17th Century France, works still today.

I know it is boring to say that these sites are just upgrades and updates, I mean one has to sell the service right? One has to sell newscasts before they become the next newspapers, anachronisms in the modern age. Yes newspapers are on their way out, and television newscasts are to be the buggy whips of the 21st century. So they need to try to stay “hip” and “cool” (yes I actually heard those terms on a newscast the other day by some dork who was trying to prove she was “with it”.) by showing they are into “today's technology”. The problem is that it is yesterday's news. Why is this so? Because in order for them to talk about it, it has to be safe.

But I regress...

Yes Social sites are good if you just respect their uses and give as much as you want to receive. For marketers one does need to use them, and they are great places to make contacts, but beware of all the flotsam and jetsam that one has to wade through before finding the gold.

Social sites and Web 2.0, use them but don't count on them to be a magic bullet. Hard work, persistence, and good service/products will win the day.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and tips to assist you in your marketing efforts. Remember, we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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