Friday, July 13, 2007

Er,Maybe the iPhone isn't the End All After All.

Ok the Apple iPhone has been out for two weeks now and the reality is starting to set in for users.

Yes, I do agree it does look great but still the problems are mounting up.

First of all there is the problem with the carrier (AT&T, formerly Cingular) and getting set up and activated. Then comes the highly restricted user agreement and realizing that they can shut you down if they feel that you are using the web services too much.

Second is the idea of being able to “browse the web” and viewing regular web sites instead of special built WAP pages. The pages are too small and being able to read any articles etc. one will get eye strain (or maybe get a magnifiers for computers like the ones in the movie “Brazil”). Plus to view the whole page one has to use the slide bars, so you don't get the whole page experience. BTW the slide bars aren't precise so you can get frustrated as you slide back and forth to find the spot you want to continue reading (or viewing the latest Paris or Britany pic). Plus of course is the absence of streaming audio and video built into the service.

Third is the screen itself. Yes touch screens are nice, but they tend to wear out. After a few months of service, there will more than likely be indents and worn spots from toughing the same buttons over and over again. If your hands are cold, wet, sticky or greasy, forget about being able to use the phone. The natural oils in people's skin will also affect the screen everytime you hold the phone to your face while talking.

This is not a comprehensive list, just the obvious ones. As people are using it they are finding that they have one again fell into the SJRDF (Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field).

Once again however Steve Jobs did a masterful job at marketing his company's new product. He is masterful at getting attention and making a market his through his force of personality. It is amazing how many of these so-called “journalists” in the media actual read his PR pieces instead of actually investigating the claims that his stuff is “revolutionary”. Just a little effort would see that these products are just his version of existing products. But I guess no one wants to seem “uncool” and actually do some work and tel the truth.

I will give Steve Jobs this much, due to his personality and marketing genius he has this way of dazzling the general public into actually believing his products are the first in a market. He is the best marketer since P.T. Barnum, and is an excellent practitioner of his methods in duping the gullible. Those of us who are resistant or have escaped the SJRDF admire his hold on these people while shaking are heads at the zombies (fanboys/fangirls) responding to his calls.

Yes as long as Steve Jobs is active, Apple Inc will thrive, once he is gone and retired, well......


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