Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why New Year's Resolutions Never Hold

Ah the end of another wonderful year and everyone is getting ready to party hardy and ring in the New Year with festive cheer. We also seem to take time to reflect on our lives and make silly resolutions (lose weight, make more money, be more loving, eat more pizza, etc.) that we are bound to never keep.

I am amazed how we go about and celebrate useless anniversaries like this. Let's face it time is a vague concept, and measuring time solely artificial. So why do we do this? Well because human beings are anal and need to measure things. How else will we know how we have wasted our lives away, frittering away time by celebrating useless milestones unless we had a way to measure them?

Besides, as it turns out, we have changed the way we measure time so many times in our span of existence before settling on the one the world accepts now (set forth by Western Europe Standards) that no one really knows the exact age of anything, and all the scientists do is make guesses so as to keep funding going for another artificial period of time. Great work if you can get it.

As it turns out, that is a great phrase isn't it. I mean if you use the phrase “As it turns out”, it makes one sound profound and intelligent as if they know what they are talking about without actually being an expert on the subject. It gives one the illusion of doing research without all that mucking about in libraries or reading trade journals or the like. But I regress.

But anyways the topic of the day (didn't think I'd get around to it did you), is about New Year's resolutions and why it is basically impossible to keep them. As it turns out (that lovely phrase again) we are basically hard wired not to keep them. Why? Because the way the brain stores information. As it turns out, the brain stores information similar to holographic images. But, in order to retrieve that information one has to be in the same mental state as when the information was stored.

When we make our resolutions we are usually in the midst of a celebration and in a certain stage where alcohol in undetermined quantities, is working on our brain. So in order to remember these resolutions one has to be in the same state of inebriation (or dehydration after the fact) to remember these.

For example when one is out partying too hard they never seem to remember the embarrassing things they say or do. They of course seem to be the only ones, and they wonder why everyone is all upset at them. That is until they reach an equal mental state of inebriation later.

So we never remember these until the next New Year's Eve when we start celebrating and reflecting on our lives again.

So I say hang it all and just live your life as the best person possible, give your all in everything you do and you will be fine.

Of course there is one resolution you should all make before you start your celebrating:

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Happy New Year to all. May your new year be safe, peaceful, happy and prosperous.



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