Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site Offline

10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site Offline

You have your site, you participate in forums, email marketing, banner advertising, etc. But is there more you can do to promote your web site? Sure there is, the “Offline World” is a great place to start. There are a lot of potential clients who don't participate in these forums etc, so how can you get them to realize your site is there? Well here's 10 ideas.

1. Have a bumper sticker printed up with your web site address and other business information. Place it on the bumper of your car. People will see it when you're driving.

2. Have some t-shirts made with your web site address and other business information. Your family or friends could wear them almost anywhere.

3. Have some ball caps made with your web site address and other business information. Wear them to keep the sun out of your eyes and promote your business at the same time.

4. Have some business cards printed up with your web site address and other business information. Pass them out to people you meet or that might be interested in your business.

5. Have a magnetic sign made with your web site address and other business information. Place it on your car door or roof when you are traveling.

6. Have some flyers printed out with your web site address and other business information. Keep a few with you to hang on bulletin boards you see.

7. Have some jackets printed with your web site address and other business information. Give them away to family and friends. When it's too cold for t-shirts, you can wear jackets.

8. Have some duffel bags made with your web site address and other business information. Give them to family and friends as gifts or use them when you travel.

9. Have some pens imprinted with your web site address and other business information. When you are done filling out your check or signing receipts leave it there for the next person to use or keep.

10. Have some mugs imprinted with your web site address and other business information. Use them when you have company or give them away to friends and family as gifts.

Think how many times you have picked up or seen one of these articles and went to the web site to see what they are all about. Yes they work. Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques to assist you in your marketing efforts.



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