Monday, February 23, 2009

Need New Product Ideas? Try These 10 Techniques.

The life cycle of a product is finite, so in order to keep sales moving forward one needs to find new products to sell. Affiliate programs are good way to start, but one needs their own product for true sustainable success. But how does one go about deciding what product to develop? Also how does one get ideas for new ideas? Here are 10 techniques that will get you started.

1. Solve an existing problem for people. There are thousands of problems in the world. Create a product that can provide a solution to one of those problems.

2. Find out what's the current hot trend. You can find out what the new trends are by watching T.V, reading magazines and surfing the net. Just create a product that's related to the current hot trend.

3. Improve a product that is already on the market. You see products at home, in ads, at stores etc. Just take a product that's already out there and improve it.

4. Create a new niche for a current product. You can set yourself apart from your competition by creating a niche. Your product could be faster, bigger, smaller, or quicker than you competitor's product.

5. Add on to an existing product. You could package your current product with other related products. For example, you could package a football with a team jersey and football cards.

6. Reincarnate an older product. Maybe you have a book that's out of print and is no longer being sold. You could change the title, design a new front cover, and bring some of the old content up to date.

7. Ask your current customers. You could contact some of your existing customers by phone or e-mail and ask them what kind of new products they would like to see on the market.

8. Combine two or more products together to create a new one. For example, you could take a brief case and add a thermos compartment inside to keep a drink hot or cold.

9. Survey the people who visit your web site. You could post a survey or questionnaire on your web site. Ask visitors what kind of products they would like to see on the market.

10. You could create a new market for your existing product. For example, if you're selling plastic bottles to a pop company, you could turn around and sell those bottles to a fruit drink company.

You don't have to implement all 10 of these techniques right away. Put one or two into operation at a time and see what works. You just might surprise yourself as you dream up even more ways.

Come back next week for more tips tricks and techniques to assist you in your marketing effort. Remember we're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 Blockbuster Ways To Ignite Your Sales

Sales are the lifeblood of any business and organization. During good times it seems like anything one does works out and it seems like things will go on forever. Ah yes how does one ignite sales during a downturn? Here are some tricks one can try and use to ignite sales during these hard times.

1. Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win,some award sites publish your web site link, name and description on their site.

2. Join online business associations or clubs. If you join, they will usually list all their members on their
web site. It will give your business extra exposure.

3. Utilize a simple form of viral marketing. Write or have someone else write a small report with your
ad included on it and allow others to give it away.

4. Improve your business by promoting customer feedback. Tell them you want their honest opinions
about your business, good or bad.

5. Design your packaging so it sells your products Utilize colors and lettering that make your product
more attractive to your prospects.

6. Compare your product's guarantee to your main competitors. Find a niche were your can design
your guarantee to be more powerful.

7. Try not to assume your audience understands everything in your ad copy. If you have words they
may not know the meaning to, define them.

8. Build alliances with other online businesses. You could trade links or ads, create joint venture deals, cross promote your products, etc.

9. Design your web site to be a valuable resource for people. Include original content, links to other
interesting web sites, ebooks, software, etc.

10. Compete with the highly branded businesses by practicing good customers service, strong product
quality and speedy service.

Try a few of these and work them into your marketing plan. Come back next week for more tricks, tips and techniques to help with your marketing efforts. We're all in this together and I'm pulling for you.



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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Web 2.0 For Beginners

All the talk the last few years have been of Web2.0 this, Web 2.0 that etc, etc. Believe it or not there are a lot of people still confused about what Web 2.0 is all about.

Well what exactly is Web2.0? Well it is nothing more than an upgrade in the way we communicate. Web 1.0 was all about static web pages, Usenet groups, Multiple User Dungeons (games like Doom, and Dungeons and Dragons) and basic chat forums. Web 2. is the same, except the technology now exists for these groups, forums games and web pages to be interactive. We now have sound and video on our pages, we are able to communicate directly with others through Live Chat and Instant Messaging. We can even play nice instead of just shooting at one another (though those games still exist for those into that sort of thing, but again gamers can form cooperative teams instead of going it alone). In a word, Web 2.0 is about community.

We become more of a community. We cooperate more with each other, we collaborate on projects through web applications. We have meetings now across continents without anyone having to leave their home base. It is a sharing time. Even the gamers are in on this one forming teams and community groups (like Sims and its clones). Web 2.0 brings us all together on the web. It crosses all boundaries and borders. It is bringing humanity closer to its goal of oneness. The only roadblock are governments that try to oppress free speech and access to the net, and of course petty forum and site managers who do the same due to their own biases and hatreds.

The second is more prevalent and more dangerous as people try to express different views, but when say someone disagrees with the current group think (like when a conservative tries to debate on a liberal site, or a vice versa, they get blocked, called a racist fascist and other similar names) they get blocked by the petty little dictators running the site. This is the biggest threat to free speech in the 21st century.

But I regress.

What might one say are the tools of Web 2.0, and how does one use them?

They are simply:

Blogs – used to voice one's thoughts, opinions, knowledge or just whatever in print, audio and/or video.
Video – used to promote oneself and ideas or just to say hello and “Look At Me”.
Podcasts – using audio to voice one's thoughts, opinions etc.
Social Sites – Where people come together in community like atmospheres
Twitter – used to tell people what you are doing at any given moment in your life.
Live Chats – Software that allows visitors to your site to contact you to ask questions
Misc – Sites like Digg, Buzz Up, etc that rank popularity by others voting on your content.

These are just a few of the many tools out there, and they seem to be the most popular at the moment. The trick is to go and use as many of these as possible in your marketing efforts if you expect to survive in today's modern business environment.

Over the next few weeks I will be discussing these and their uses in more detail. In addition I will discuss other aspects to Web 2.0, so be sure to visit weekly.
To sum it all up, Web 2.0 is about coming together to better understand us all better.

Come back next week for more tips, tricks and techniques. Remember we're all in this together, and I'm pulling for ya.



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