Thursday, February 15, 2007

A View on The State of Marketing, Advetising and Pop Culture From the Heartland-Intorduction

Advertising and Marketing are two of the most important, but widely misused tools a company has in its arsenal.

So much of what passes for Advertising these days seems to miss the mark either by trying to be too cutesy or just plain boring The trick of course is to get the message across without insulting the intelligence of the intended market or confusing or boring them so that they just tune it all out. Let's face it the world is getting more and more competitive these days, and having one's voice heard is very difficult. It also is harder for the targets of these messages to pay attention.

I will be discussing ads, mainly from TV, but also from print media, billboards and of course my favorite medium, the Internet. Also I will discuss how Pop Culture influences marketing and advertising trends, and how advertising and marketing are used in Pop Culture Media (i.e. the way certain reality shows on Bravo TV tie in their sponsors with their activities).

I will discuss the good, the bad and the ugly (but not necessarily at the same time) and why a certain piece either hit the right note, or was just a waste of time and money. I will offer my suggestions (okay, opinions) on how they could have done better.

Again these will be mainly just my opinions (or opinions of friends and family members) based upon my many years of working in the marketing and sales field, as well as being inundated with countless number of commercials, ads, billboards etc. throughout my life.

Read, enjoy, get mad, smile, cry and maybe even learn a few tips and techniques that you can use for yourself. Intelligent comments are always welcome, and appreciated.


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